HC Deb 06 August 1913 vol 56 cc1672-3

"The Section of this Act relating to the protection of defectives from acts of sexual immorality shall have effect for the protection of women or girls who are lunatics duly certified as such under the Lunacy Acts and while they remain so certified, with the substitution of such women or girls for defective women or girls, of an asylum or other place of lawful detention for lunatics for an institution or certified house, of pass or probation for licence, and of the Lunacy Acts for this Act."

Clause brought up, and read the first time.


I beg to move "That the Clause be read a second time." It relates to the protection of women and children, and is also applicable to lunatic women and girls.

Clause added to the Bill.


I do not propose to move the new Clause, of which I have given notice, relating to defilement of female lunatics, if I have the assurance from the Lord Advocate that his Clause fulfils the same object.


Yes, I can offer that assurance.