HC Deb 21 April 1913 vol 52 cc6-8 P
9. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has seen P the figures of elementary school accommodation and attendance recently issued by the Liverpool education authority, which show that in Liverpool there are 132,699 school places and 131,620 on the roll; whether he is aware that if the scholars of Liverpool were arranged in class-rooms for sixty children each there would only be one place unoccupied in every second class-room; and whether he proposes to call for an increased margin of accommodation?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. J. A. Pease)

The latest available figures show a recognised accommodation of 132,083, and an average number on the books of 131,299. The question of public elementary school accommodation in Liverpool is engaging the close attention of the local education authority and the Board, and, as I informed the hon. Member on 31st March, the Board hope that the steps taken will be sufficient to prevent overcrowding.

12. Mr. LEACH

asked what is the standard number of square feet per scholar which the Education Department imposes upon school authorities in estimating the accommodation of any school building?


I must refer the hon. Member to the Building Regulations published by the Board. The Board require in public elementary schools 10 square ft. for each older scholar and 9 square ft. for each infant. In higher elementary schools 12 square ft. is required. In secondary schools the Board require 16 square ft. for each scholar. There are no separate Regulations for technical schools or schools of art. In schools certified under the Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic Children) Act, 1899, for mentally defective and epileptic children, 15 square ft. are required per scholar, and in schools for physically defective children 18 square ft. These requirements are subject to modification as the result of various rules as to the minimum area of the room and the maximum size of the classes.


In how many cases has the 10 and 9 ft. arrangement been set aside?


I am not aware of any at the present moment. If my hon. Friend will furnish me with particulars I shall be glad to receive them.


Why is there a difference in the requirement in the case of an elementary school and an acquired elementary school?


On account of the average age of the children.