HC Deb 14 April 1913 vol 51 cc1635-6

asked whether he has any information to give respecting the outbreak of sleeping sickness in Southern Rhodesia; and whether the Chartered Company have informed him as to the steps they have taken to prevent the epidemic spreading to the countries embraced in the union of South Africa?

85 and 86. Dr. CHAPPLE

asked (1) whether, having regard to the appearance of sleeping sickness south of the Zambesi, any steps have been taken to segregate the populace living in the affected areas; and (2) whether the right hon. Gentleman has received any details of the spread of sleeping sickness in Southern Rhodesia; and, if so, will he lay them before the House?


In August last the illness of an official of the Native Department, who had been stationed in the Sebungwe district and who has since died, was diagnosed as trypanosomiasis. A small commission of inquiry was at once formed by the Administration of Southern Rhodesia, and eleven more cases were discovered among the natives, the source of infection being traced to the same or a neighbouring district. Further investigations are being made. The Administrator has informed the High Commissioner that he proposes to remove all natives from these fly areas to areas which are free from fly, and the High Commissioner has replied that he is prepared to approve an Order of removal.