HC Deb 10 April 1913 vol 51 cc1331-4

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mrs. Moriarty, now of High Field Grove, Cheshire, was declared an evicted tenant and entitled to a holding more than six years ago; and whether steps will be immediately taken to find a holding for her?


Mrs. Moriarty was informed by the Estates Commissioners in January, 1907, that her name would be considered in the allotment of untenanted land. After the passing of the Evicted Tenants Act the Commissioners published a notice in the "Dublin Gazette" that they proposed to acquire the farm on Lord Ventry's estate, county Kerry, from which her mother had been evicted in 1888, but they did not proceed further in the matter on being informed that the farm would be required for the purposes of the Congested Districts Board. The Commissioners have noted her application for consideration in the allotment of such untenanted land as they may acquire elsewhere, and her case will be dealt with as soon as practicable.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mrs. O'Brien, Castlemaine, county Kerry, was evicted from her holding some years ago, and that she and her ancestor held this land for over seventy years; will he say on what grounds she was excluded from the provisions of the Evicted Tenants Act; and will steps be taken to find a holding for her elsewhere?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 27th March to which I have nothing to add.


Seeing that this lady and her ancestors were on this land for seventy years, on what ground is she not reinstated?


The estate to which she has ancestral claims is in the hands of a tenant purchaser.


Does not that account for her being an evicted tenant?


No. We cannot give her that particular holding.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give her some untenanted land where available?


That is just what I have said.

12. Mr. DELANY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he can explain the reason why Mrs. Bridget Swaine, who was evicted in 1890 out of a farm of 14 acres at a rent of £28 a year, on the estate of A. Fitzmaurice, Ballinakill, Queen's County, has not been provided with another holding, her late farm being in the possession of a planter; is he aware that her name was returned by Inspector Moyles, who investigated the case, on an approved list for the farm; that her case has the support of all the public bodies in the district; and can he explain the reason of the delay in providing this woman with a holding?


The Estates Commissioners received an application from Mrs. Bridget Swaine for reinstatement in a holding on the estate of A. Fitzmaurice and another, Queen's County, formerly occupied by her husband, and now in the occupation of his nephew. The Commissioners decided not to take any action in regard to her application, and they see no reason to alter their decision in the matter.


asked what arrangements, if any, the Estates Commissioners are making, or intend making, for the reinstatement of the evicted tenants in Fermanagh county whose claims have not yet been finally dealt with?


Eighty-two county Fermanagh evicted tenants have been reinstated in their former holdings or provided with new holdings. There are now fourteen persons seeking reinstatement as evicted tenants or representatives of evicted tenants in the county whose applications have been provisionally noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land acquired by the Estates Commissioners and who have not yet been provided with holdings. Their applications will be dealt with as soon as practicable.


asked when the Estates Commissioners intend to deal with the claim of James M'Gourty, of Belcoo, county Fermanagh, to be reinstated in the farm on the Jones estate, in that county, from which he was evicted, or to be provided with a farm in lieu of it?


The Estates Commissioners received an application from this man for reinstatement in a holding formerly occupied by him on the Jones estate, county Fermanagh, and now in the possession of another tenant. The Commissioners, after inquiry and consideration, decided to take no action in regard to his application, and they see no reason to alter their decision in the matter.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the late agent to the Jones estate, Mr. Duffin, empowered me to make a settlement with the evicted tenant on the agent's behalf? Can he say for what reason this man is not recognised as an evicted tenant?


I have said over and over again that I really cannot undertake to revise or even in all cases to make myself acquainted with the reason which lead the Commissioners in the discharge of their duty to come to a decision one way or the other. They have the duty cast upon them, and there is no appeal from their decision.


Is not the only reason for withholding the holding from this man suspicion with regard to an offence for which there is no foundation?


I hear that for the first time.