HC Deb 08 April 1913 vol 51 c978
21 and 22. Mr. HUNT

asked (1) whether Regular officers receive their pay during instruction in flying; whether Special Reserve officers receive no pay during instruction; and (2) whether, as officers have to provide their own lodging and outfit for instruction in flying, he can say if anything is allowed towards these expenses if they are prevented by illness or accident from obtaining a certificate?

Colonel SEELY

It is presumed that in this and the next question the hon. Gentleman refers to the period during which the officer is obtaining his preliminary knowledge of aviation for the purposes of the Aero Club certificate. The Regular officer does receive pay, just as he would during ordinary leave of absence. The Special Reserve officer does not receive pay, but at the end of the course receives the £75 Grant for having obtained the certificate at his own expense. As regards Question 22 the reply is in the negative.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman see his way to remove this injustice from these Reserve officers who have to risk their necks and pay for the privilege as well.

Colonel SEELY

I cannot admit the injustice, because both classes of officers run the same risk. We deliberately adopted the plan of giving an officer £75 on obtaining his certificate.


In view of the fact that the Special Reserve is part of the Regular Army, does it not seem rather hard on these officers?

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir; they are under different conditions.