HC Deb 08 April 1913 vol 51 c998
66. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Home Secretary if he will say what proportion the pension now being received by Police-constable Norman Macdonald, 394 L Division, who has been incapacitated from active service on account of injuries received when on duty, bears to the rate of pay which he was receiving before his injury?


Macdonald's pension of £51 2s. 9d. represents twenty-eight-fiftieths of his retiring pay. He is partially incapacitated from earning a livelihood and the pension granted is the maximum provided for such a case under the Police Act, 1890.


Will the hon. Gentleman undertake to inquire into this case and have it reviewed again, having regard to the fact that this man is doomed practically to destitution, owing to serious incapacities incurred in the performance of his duties?


If the hon. Member will put any facts before us to justify a reconsideration of the matter, we shall be glad to consider them.