HC Deb 01 April 1913 vol 51 cc214-5
77. Mr. BOLAND

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the resolution passed by the Glencar old age pensions committee on the 17th of March; and what steps he proposes to take to give effect to this resolution?


My attention has been called to the resolution referred to. A Local Government Board inspector recently attended a meeting of the county pensions committee, and the matter is at present under the consideration of the Board.


asked the Chief Secretary why the claim of Mrs. Cecilia Gallagher, Mullinmore Crossmolina, county Mayo, to an old age pension, passed by the Crossmolina pensions subcommittee, has been disallowed?


An appeal has been received by the Local Government Board against the pension allowed to Mrs. Gallagher on the grounds that her means are in excess of the statutory limit. The case is at present under the consideration of the Board.