HC Deb 01 April 1913 vol 51 cc212-4
76. Mr. BOLAND

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what stage has now been reached in the negotiations for the purchase of the Trinity College estate, in the Caherciveen district; whether all the necessary papers have been lodged with the Congested Districts Board; and whether, in view of the delay which has occurred, steps will be taken to expedite the sale?


The rental and maps of the Trinity College Estate near Caherciveen have been lodged with the Congested Districts Board. The estate has been inspected and valued, and an offer for purchase has been sent by the Board to Trinity College within the last few days.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that about two years ago the Estates Commissioners made an order declaring that, under the provisions of the Land Purchase Act of 1903, Cornelius Sheehan, a sub-tenant of John Good on the estate of Sir George Colthurst, Ballyvourney, county Cork, was a tenant entitled to purchase, and that the Commissioners then actually fixed the purchase price in Sheehan's case and communicated the amount to the agent and the tenant; will he state what was the amount of the purchase so fixed, and whether Sheehan signed the purchase agreement for the amount; whether the landlord, Sir George Colthurst, is anxious that Sheehan should have his holding vested in him, and he has so stated to the Estates Commissioners; and will he explain the cause of the long delay in this matter?


The Estates Commissioners issued a declaration under the powers vested in them by Statute that the parcel occupied by Cornelius Sheehan as sub-tenant to Henry Good on the estate referred to should be deemed a holding, and that Sheehan should be considered the tenant thereof for the purposes of sale, and asked the vendor of the estate to lodge an agreement signed by Sheehan to purchase the holding at their estimated price. Good objected to the sale to Sheehan and to the price at which it was proposed that the latter should purchase, and, on consideration of his objections, the Commissioners increased their estimated price. Sheehan and the vendor agreed to the sale at the increased price, but Good has not up to the present signified his consent to the sale to Sheehan.


Is the consent of Good necessary under the Act?


Yes, Sir.


asked the Chief Secretary if any offer has yet been made by the Congested Districts Board for the Saunders Knox-Gore, Ballycastle, estate, county Mayo; is he aware that in May, 1912, the Congested Districts Board officially intimated that an offer would be made for this estate in the following September, and that in October, 1912, a further definite statement was made that an offer would be made after the next meeting of the Board in November, 1912; and will he state the cause of the Board's failure to carry out these promises?


The Congested Districts Board issued an offer for purchase of this property on the 28th March.


asked the Chief Secretary what progress has been made by the Congested Districts Board with the purchase of the Mrs. Saunders estate, in the parish of Lahardane, county Mayo, the maps and documents relating to which have been deposited with that Board since March, 1911; and when do the Congested Districts Board expect to complete the purchase and distribute amongst the tenants the non-residential grazing ranch on the estate?


The estate referred to has been inspected and valued, and an offer for purchase will be issued very shortly. The Congested Districts Board cannot at present say when the purchase of the estate will be completed and the lands resold.


asked what steps the Congested Districts Board have taken to purchase the Marsham, West, Peyton, and Fergus estates, Ballinaglera, county Leitrim; what offers, if any, were made for each estate respectively; and whether, having regard to the unrest and suspense in which the tenants on these estates are being held and to the fact that proceedings are now being taken by the landlords for recovery of the old rents, the Board will take immediate steps to complete the purchase of these estates?


The Marsham, West, and Peyton estates have not been offered for sale through the Congested Districts Board, and they do not at present propose to take any steps to acquire them compulsorily. The Board have made an offer for the purchase of the estate of J. J. Fergus, and they are at present in correspondence with the owner on the subject.