13. Captain CRAIGasked whether a medical student named Michael Power, when walking on the public road near Midleton, county Cork, was, on the 13th of August, fired at and severely wounded; and whether anyone has been made amenable for this outrage?
§ The CHIEF SECRETARY for IRELAND (Mr. Birrell)I understand that Michael Power, who is the son of a farmer near Midleton, was fired at from behind a hedge, and I am glad to be able to add that he was not severely wounded, though he was wounded in the legs. He did not see his assailant, and could not, therefore, give the police any assistance. The latter have visited and interrogated all suspected persons, and have made a close search for the weapon used on the occasion, but so far without result.
§ Mr. BIRRELLNo, Sir; how can—
§ Mr. JOHN WARDWhy do not you get hold of somebody?
14. Captain CRAIGasked whether on the 21st of August last a quantity of hay, the property of Thomas White and others, near Ennis, county Clare, was burned; and whether any person has been brought to justice?
§ Mr. BIRRELLOn the night of the 3rd August last some hay, to the value of about £2, belonging to Thomas White and two neighbours, was burnt. The owners did not report the matter to the police or make any claim for compensation for malicious damage, and though the police made all possible inquiries as soon as they heard of the fire, they have not been able to find out how it originated.
15. Captain CRAIGasked whether on the night of the 31st of August last a police patrol, near the village of Ruane, 1394 county Clare, was fired on and a constable wounded; and whether anyone has been arrested or made amenable?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe facts are as stated. The police soon after the occurrence made careful search and arrested a man, who has been returned for trial to the next assizes.
§ Mr. BIRRELLNo, Sir.
16. Captain CRAIGasked whether, on the night of 20th September last, a quantity of hay belonging to W. Hickey, near Loughrea, county Galway, was burned; and whether anyone has been made amenable?
§ Mr. BIRRELLA cock of hay in a yard belonging to Hickey was burned on the night of 10th September. The police and some neighbours succeeded in preventing the fire from spreading. Nothing has been discovered as to the origin of the fire, but the question whether it was malicious or accidental will be investigated at Quarter Sessions, as a claim for compensation has been lodged.
17. Captain CRAIGasked whether on 18th August last a thatched house belonging to Mrs. Eliza Neaney, near Mountbellew, county Galway, was set on fire and burned; and whether anyone has been brought to justice for this outrage?
§ Mr. BIRRELLMrs. Neaney was awakened at three o'clock in the morning of 18th August by flames from the thatched roof of her cottage. The fact was reported to the police about three hours later, but in the meantime the fire had been put out by the neighbours. The police have not found any evidence to connect anyone with the fire, but a claims for malicious damage has been lodged.
18. Captain CRAIGasked whether on the night of 20th September last the house of a farmer named John Connolly, residing near Turloughmore, county Galway, was fired into, and Connolly severely wounded; and whether anyone has been made amenable?
§ Mr. BIRRELLTwo shots were fired into the house of John Connolly on 11th September last, and he was slightly wounded. Four men have been arrested and are now awaiting trial.
19. Captain CRAIGasked whether, on the night of 21st August last, the house of Thomas M'Manamara, of Poolbawn, 1395 county Clare, was set on fire while the inmates were in their beds; whether a heifer belonging to Mr. M'Manamara was shot dead the same night; and whether anyone has been made amenable.
§ Mr. BIRRELLOn the 1st September last the thatched roof of the house of James Macnamara was set on fire, and a heifer, his property, which was grazing on a farm at some distance, was shot. The police at once made the most minute search and inquiry, but up to the present without result. Claims for compensation have been lodged.
20. Captain CRAIGasked whether, on the night of the 20th August last, a quantity of hay belonging to John Mungoven and Martin Linnane, near Ennis, county Clare, was set on fire and burned; and whether any arrests have been made or anyone brought to justice for this outrage?
§ Mr. SWIFT MacNEILLOn a point of Order, Mr. Speaker. This is the eighth question the hon. and gallant Gentleman has asked: the rule is seven. [HON. MEMBERS: "NO, eight."]
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. Member is entitled to ask eight questions.
§ Mr. BIRRELLOn the night of the 20th of August last the police while on patrol found some hay on fire on Mongovan's land. They made an arrest, but informations were refused by the magistrates at Petty Sessions on the ground that the evidence was insufficient. A cock of hay belonging to Linnane was knocked down and scattered at the same time.
§ Mr. MOORECan the right hon. Gentleman state how many of these magistrates were members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians or members of the United Irish League?
§ Mr. BIRRELLNo, Sir, I cannot.