HC Deb 16 October 1912 vol 42 c1233
58. Major HOPE asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he can inform the House with which Governments of British possessions and foreign States arrangements have been made under Clause 32 of the National Insurance Act for transfer of those insured persons, who


No arrangements, have yet been made under Clause 32. The Commissioners are obtaining information on the subject from British possessions and foreign countries with a view to such action as may seem desirable.

59. Major HOPE

asked whether, in the case of an insured person who is likely to emigrate within the next five years to a country with which no arrangement, under Clause 32 of the National Insurance Act, has been made, the only means of securing that he may benefit by at least the amount of his own contributions standing to his credit at the date of leaving the United Kingdom is to become a deposit contributor?


No, Sir, Section 32 (1) of the Act provides that if an insured person who is a member of an approved society, ceases to be permanently resident in the United Kingdom and becomes a member of a society in a British possession or foreign country similar to an approved society or of a branch outside the United Kingdom of an approved society, his transfer value may be paid to such society or branch. In this way an insured person who is a member of an approved society may on emigrating benefit by considerably more than the total amount of the contributions paid by him under the Act.