HC Deb 14 October 1912 vol 42 cc778-9

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) if he can state why the value of the stamp required for Form A 18, in connection with the horse-breeding scheme for Ireland, has this year been in creased by 150 per cent. (from 1s. to 2s. 6d.); if he is aware that the stamp now required, namely, an Inland Revenue stamp, value 2s. 6d., is practically impossible for Irish farmers to obtain, as they are not supplied through the Post Office, and the Custom House officials refuse to sell them; and whether, if that particular stamp is insisted upon in future he will take steps to make it possible for country residents to comply with the regulation without being put to great expense and inconvenience?


The question of the proper Stamp Duty payable in respect of the Statutory Declaration on Form A 18 has recently been under consideration by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and they are advised that the proper duty is an impressed 2s. 6d. deed stamp, and not a 1s. adhesive Petty Sessions stamp as formerly required. The stamp can be obtained by lodging the Declaration at any stamp or money order office.


May I ask the Vice-President of the Department if he will reply to the latter half of my question dealing with the making of arrangements that will enable the Irish farmers to comply with the regulations without unnecessary inconvenience?

Mr. RUSSELL (Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture, Ireland)

I believe that Inland Revenue stamps are sold in most of the towns of Ireland, either at the post office or in some other way; in fact I know it is so.