HC Deb 25 November 1912 vol 44 cc816-7
74. Mr. HUDSON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the complaints of long hours of railwaymen on the railways in the United Kingdom, he will call for a special Return of the actual hours worked over ten per day or during any shift of duty during the months of October and November, 1912?


A Return under Section 4 of the Regulation of Railways Act, 1S39, showing the periods of duty in excess of twelve hours worked during June, 1912, by certain classes of servants in the employment of the principal railway companies of the United Kingdom was presented to Parliament last month. I do not think that such complaints of long hours as have been received by the Board of Trade lately are of a nature to justify the Board in calling for a general Return such as suggested, but as my hon. Friend is aware the Board of Trade are always willing on receipt of representations that the hours of labour of the servants of a particular railway company are excessive, to consider the question of taking action under the Railway Regulation Act, 1893, and as a matter of fact action has recently been taken under that Act in respect of one of the complaints to which presumably my lion. Friend alludes.


Will the right hon. Gentleman's Department in the near future consider the matter of reforming their administration as instituted upon the Act of 1893, with a view to shortening the term of what is considered excessive?


I am always prepared to take action in regard to these matters when complaints are brought to my notice. I understand that representations have been made upon particular points, and I hope with satisfactory results.

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