HC Deb 20 November 1912 vol 44 cc275-6
28. Captain FABER

asked the Secretary of State for War if he can recommend a certain amount of ammunition being given out for practice yearly to the men of the National Reserve?

Colonel SEELY

There are no funds at present available from which this additional expenditure could be provided.

30. Mr. HUNT

asked whether, in view of the fact that Territorial officers have recently stated that the Territorial force is not capable of successfully opposing Continental troops, he will have the Veteran Reserve organised for defence against invasion and supplied with rifles, ammunition, and uniform?

Colonel SEELY

The reply is in the negative.


What force would be left in the country when the Expeditionary Force is called abroad at short notice?

Colonel SEELY

That is rather a large question. There would, of course, be left behind the Territorial force and that part of the Regular Army that had not left our shores.


Is it not a fact that the National Reserves are without clothes and arms?

Colonel SEELY

Yes, but there is a good deal of spare clothing.


Would the right hon. Gentleman say what use the National Reserve would be with arms and uniforms?

Colonel SEELY

I think they might well be of the greatest use.