HC Deb 18 November 1912 vol 44 c12

asked whether the work for the cleaning of the windows, etc., of the Commissioners of Public Works offices and for the postal authorities offices have been given to a firm who do not comply with the Fair-Wages Resolution of this House; whether the firm who heretofore had this contract paid the full rate of wages to their employés; what wages are the present contractors paying, and what wages were paid by the former contractor; and whether the Government will see that the work for these Government offices is not executed by sweating employers of cheap labour?


The contract referred to by the hon. Member is governed by the Fair-Wages Clause. I understand that the former contractors employed members of the Whiteners' Union for window cleaning and paid wages at rates varying between 22s. 6d. and 16s. per week. The firm which now holds the contract employs unskilled labourers and not whiteners, and pay on the average 15s. 9d. a week. I understand that the wages paid are up to the average of those paid by window-cleaning firms in Dublin; but if the hon. Member has any reason to think that the Fair-Wages Clause is not being complied with, perhaps he will communicate -with me.


asked a question which was inaudible in the Press Gallery.


I cannot answer that without notice, but I will be very glad to look into the whole matter.