HC Deb 14 November 1912 vol 43 c2072

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received resolutions from temperance bodies throughout the United Kingdom strongly protesting against the new Excise law for Ceylon, whereby 1,000 new toddy licences are being forced upon the native population against the will and religious belief of the majority; and whether he will set up a Committee of Inquiry before permitting the law to take effect?


I have received many resolutions on the subject of the new Excise law, the effect of which is not correctly described in my hon. Friend's question. The answer to the second part of the question is that the licences have already been issued under the previously existing law and, therefore, would not be affected by a delay in bringing the new Ordinance into effect. I am not prepared to recommend the Governor to appoint a Committee of Inquiry, but I am watching the situation and hope to profit by experience when it is obtained.