HC Deb 12 November 1912 vol 43 cc1841-2

In consequence of what took place yesterday, I beg to give notice that to-morrow I shall move a Resolution—I do not quote the precise terms—to the effect that the decision of the House on the Amendment moved on 11th November by the hon. Baronet (Sir F. Banbury) shall be rescinded, and that the Order of the House, in regard to the allocation of time, on the Government of Ireland Bill, shall take effect as though the next day on which the Bill is put down as the first Order were the Sixteenth Allotted day.


Mr. Speaker, as the right hon. Gentleman has not even given us the terms of this wonderful Resolution it is impossible to judge what latitude will be allowed in discussion. I wish, therefore, to ask the right hon. Gentleman is it his intention, following the precedent of 1905, that a general discussion on the situation in the House and in the country created by the defeat of the Government can take place?


Certainly, Sir; I am most anxious that such should take place.


Simply for the general convenience of the House, I wish to put to you, Mr. Speaker, a question. On the previous occasion discussion was allowed, though it was not strictly in order. I wish to know whether you will extend that latitude, which I am sure the House will desire, so that whatever the terms of the Resolution, the whole subject may be adequately discussed.


There is no doubt that if the House is asked to rescind a Resolution which has been come to, the circumstances surrounding that question must be fully entered into.