11. Mr. CATHCART WASONasked whether the right hon. Gentleman received claims from British fishermen for damage done to their herring nets during the manœuvres of the Red and Blue Fleets between the Forth and the Humber last summer; will these claims be paid and, if so, when; were similar claims made on behalf of Dutch fishermen; and have these already been paid by the Admiralty?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part, reasonable compensation will be paid in all cases in which it is established that the damage was caused by His Majesty's ships, and 1241 was not the result of any neglect on the part of the fishermen. Reports on the claims have been called for and will be carefully considered. Similar claims have been received from Dutch fishermen and are also under consideration.
§ Mr. WATTHas compensation never been paid by the right hon. Gentleman's Department to these fishermen who have sustained losses as the result of naval manœuvres?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAYes, in a very considerable number of cases all along the coast.