9. Captain FABERasked whether part of the reason for contract-built ships being late is due to neglect on the part of Admiralty overseers at steel works to push forward with material for the Navy?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLThe reply is in the negative. I am quite satisfied that the Admiralty officers fully discharge their duties in this respect.
10. Captain FABERasked whether various tests are insisted upon in the case of contract-built ships which are unknown in Royal dockyards; and whether he is aware that these tests prolong unnecessarily the time given for building such ships?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLThe specifications and building drawings for vessels built by contract and in His Majesty's dockyards are identical. Only necessary tests are insisted on in contract-built ships, and I am not aware of any important difference in this respect between contract-built and dockyard-built ships which affects the time for building such ships.