HC Deb 16 May 1912 vol 38 cc1286-7

asked the percentage of appointments in the minor grades of the engineering branch which it is proposed to allot to the electric light department?


The recent engineering revision did not make provision for the establishment of any of the minor staff on the electric light and power side. The possibility of establishing a proportion of the men has been under consideration, but in any case I should take no steps in this direction until the Select Committee on Post Office Servants has reported.


asked whether the revision scheme of the engineering department, which was published on the 12th of December, 1911, actually came into force on the 1st of July, 1911; and, in view of the fact that this revision abolished the old classification, when the new classification of the mino rgrades will be issued?


Two schemes of revision affecting the engineering department were published on 12th December last. One of these schemes, that namely, which affected the superior appointments, had been in hand for a considerable period, and it was found possible to carry it out as from 1st July, 1911. The other, affecting the minor appointments, was taken in hand much more recently; it is intimately connected with the transfer of the staff of the National Telephone Company, which took place on 1st January last, and I am unable at present to say from what date it will be carried out. I hope, however, to make an announcement shortly.