HC Deb 16 May 1912 vol 38 cc1269-70

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman will communicate with the different Dominions as to the advisability of creating a special Board of Admiralty, consisting of representatives of the Dominions and the British Admiralty, to control Dominion ships with a view of encouraging the creation of an Imperial flying squadron composed of Home and Dominion ships?


I understand that we are to receive a visit in the course of' this year from representatives of the Canadian Government, and pending this and the discussions which will accompany it, negotiations of the character suggested by the interesting question of the hon. Member would be premature.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman will communicate with the Canadian Government and ascertain if they would welcome the suggestion of asking the other Dominions to confer on the naval position during the suggested visit of the Prime Minister of Canada and the Minister of Marine of Canada?


As at present advised His Majesty's Government do not propose to make any suggestion to Canada on the subject.