§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEasked whether the award of the chairman of the South Wales District Board, under the Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act gives labourers a fixed minimum of 4s. 6d. a day, or whether 1133 this figure is subject to reduction automatically should the present selling price of coal fall sufficiently to bring about a reduction in the percentage now paid to colliers and others on the basic rates?
Mr. BUXTONThe proceedings of the Joint District Board for South Wales are at present incomplete, and I have no official information which would enable me to make any statement with regard to the interpretation of any particular decision which the Board may have arrived at in the course of such proceedings.
§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEWill the right hon. Gentleman inquire whether the minimum wage actually paid is 3s. a day?
Mr. BUXTONIf it is 3s. a day it is plus the percentages. The proceedings are not complete, and I would rather wait until I get a full report from the chairman. When that report arrives I shall be glad to answer any further questions.
§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEAs this point is very urgent, may I request that the right hon. Gentleman should obtain the information as soon as possible as to whether the percentage is to be a fluctuating quantity or whether the 4s. 6d. is fixed absolutely as the minimum?
§ Mr. T. RICHARDSONI should like to ask the right hon. Gentleman if he will lay upon the Table of the House copies of the award of the whole of the District Boards under the Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act?
Mr. BUXTONI understand the hon. Member to ask that when these awards are given they should be laid upon the Table of the House. Perhaps the simplest way would be to print them with the Votes so that Members can refer to them. This is only one of a large number of matters that have been decided either by the Joint Committee or by the chairman, and I do not think it would really be expedient for me to intervene or to ask for information at the present time, though I perfectly understand my hon. Friend's anxiety in the matter.
§ Mr. KEIR HARDIEI am sorry to press the matter, but this decision has been given with regard to this particular point. May I ask that the information may be obtained and an answer given on Monday next?
§ Mr. T. RICHARDSONWill the right hon. Gentleman include in his promise copies of the conditions as well as the actual wages?
Mr. BUXTONI think the Northumberland case does cover conditions as well as the actual amounts. What I shall propose is that whatever I receive from these various chairmen as their decisions are given or as the decisions of the Joint Boards are given I should circulate to Members, but I would rather not do so until I have got it complete.