HC Deb 13 May 1912 vol 38 cc791-2

asked the President of the Board of Education, whether he can state what reply was given by the Board of Education, or by the late President of that Board, to the appeals made by certain local education authorities for assistance in securing an adequate supply of teachers; whether the local authorities for Lindsey (Lines.), Notts, Warwickshire, Devon, Northampton, Hunts, Preston, Rhondda, and Durham, referred to by the late President of the Board in his annual statement to the House on the 13th July last, were more anxious to obtain uncertificated than certificated teachers; whether the salaries offered to teachers by such local authorities are amongst the most unsatisfactory in the country; and whether the Board have taken, or will take, any steps to inform the local authorities in question that by improving the conditions of service they may hope to obtain certificated teachers, of whom a number remain unemployed in London, Cardiff, and elsewhere?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. J. A. Pease)

It is not possible within the limits of an answer to set out the replies which were made to the various representations of local education authorities on the subject referred to. The majority of the authorities mentioned in the second part of the question referred to the need for certificated teachers as well as for uncertificated teachers, but, speaking generally, I believe the authorities feel the shortage of uncertificated teachers rather more than that of certificated. With reference to the third part of the question, the rate of salaries is a matter for local education authorities and must depend, to some extent, upon local circumstances, and I can offer no opinion as to the character of the salaries paid. I do not think it can be necessary to call the attention of local education authorities to the suggestion made in the last part of the-question.