HC Deb 06 May 1912 vol 38 cc21-2

asked the Prime Minister whether he will publish such parts of the evidence given before the Committee on Irish Finance as the witnesses are willing to have made public?


asked the Prime Minister whether he will publish that portion of the evidence given before the Committee on Irish Finance in respect of which no pledge of secrecy was made?


asked the Prime Minister whether the witnesses who consented to give evidence recently before the Commission on Irish Finance have been indirectly approached with a view to ascertaining whether they had any objection to their evidence being made public; and whether, in the event of the answer being in the affirmative, he will state why the evidence of witnesses who have no desire that their opinions should be concealed, and in which public opinion is interested, should be withheld from the House?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Asquith)

I must refer the hon. Members to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the 29th ultimo. I have not received any indication (such as my right hon. Friend then invited) that the House as a whole desires the publication of the evidence, and until I am satisfied on this point I do not see my way to take the steps suggested.


asked the Prime Minister if he will cause Mr. Ennis's Report to be circulated to all Members of Parliament, in view of the fact that the General Council of Irish County Councils are prepared to circulate copies to all who desire them, and that up-to-date no Unionist Members have received any such Reports although desirous of seeing them.


As Mr. Ennis's Report on Irish National Finance can be obtained by anyone who wants it, there does not appear to be any necessity for circulating it as a Parliamentary Paper.


In view of the effect of the recommendations made, could the right hon. Gentleman not see his way to let Members have before them whatever evidence is available, so that they can form their own judgment?


Hon. Members can easily procure the Report. It is not an official paper, and we are under no responsibility for it.