HC Deb 14 March 1912 vol 35 c1244

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has any information respecting a threatened attack upon the British Consulate at Lingah, on the Persian Gulf; and whether any steps have been taken to afford the necessary protection to the Consulate?


His Majesty's ships recently captured a large consignment of arms which was being smuggled into the hinterland at a point on the coast eighty miles to the west of Lingah. The inhabitants for whom the arms were intended have since been trying to raise a force to make an attack on Lingah generally and on the Custom House and British Vice-Consulate; in particular. The inhabitants of Lingah were uneasy and the local authorities expressed their inability to offer any assistance. In the circumstances the action of His Majesty's local officers in moving up 150 men from Jask, who will be landed if, in the opinion of His Majesty's Consul-General at Bushire, the protection of British lives and property demands such action, has been approved.