HC Deb 05 March 1912 vol 35 cc187-8

asked whether it is the intention of the Army Council that Army horses should be neither clipped nor groomed during the winter months in order to save the expense of horse rugs; whether the refusal of rugs will involve the additional expense of extra forage, instead of the saving of forage usually effected during the winter months, and will therefore be little real economy; and whether the opinion of commanding officers upon this change of policy is fully proved by the fact that in nearly every case the deficiency of rugs is being made up by the officers out of private sources?

Colonel SEELY

I am sorry I am not in a position to add anything to the reply I gave the hon. Gentleman on the 28th February.


Is it not a fact that this new Regulation imposes a heavy burden upon conscientious officers?

Colonel SEELY

I do not think it can be put in that way. The matter is a difficult one, and if the hon. Gentleman raises it in the Debate, I shall be glad to give him full information.


Is this the final decision of the War Office or is it still under consideration?

Colonel SEELY

It is hard to say anything is final in a progressive place like the War Office.