HC Deb 19 June 1912 vol 39 cc1658-9
36. Mr. CASSEL

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that in July, 1910, the managers of the Metropolitan Asylums Board informed the Local Government Board that they were prepared to make arrangements for the reception of certified cases of puerperal fever in their hospitals; and whether any and, if so, what decision has yet been come to in the matter by the Local Government Board?


The question of further extending the functions of the Metropolitan Asylums Board in various directions, including that referred to in the question, has been and still is engaging my attention. Recently the managers have, under my authority, made arrangements for the reception of cases of measles and whooping cough. Cases of this kind were not previously received by the managers. In addition, 9,000 sick and weakly children have been treated by the managers at two hospitals formerly used for infectious cases. The hon. Member is no doubt aware that the Departmental Committee on Tuberculosis have raised the question whether the managers should not be empowered to provide sanatorium beds for London. I hope that satisfactory arrangements will shortly be carried through for dealing with cases of puerperal fever.— [See Written Answers this date.]


As this application was made nearly two years ago, will the right hon. Gentleman use his influence to see that it is dealt with at the earliest possible moment?


Yes, but I am also aware that we had more severe and pressing applications which we met in the interval.