HC Deb 29 July 1912 vol 41 cc1604-5

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether he can give particulars of the sum of £51,500 appearing in the Civil Services Supplementary Estimates as the sum required for urgent and unforeseen works (in addition to the sum of £3,000 required for the same purpose in the original Estimates) in connection with Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance buildings, and also particulars of the sum of £16,000 appearing in the same Supplementary Estimates for urgent and unforeseen works in connection with the National Health Insurance buildings?

Mr. WEDGWOOD BENN (Lord of the Treasury)

The sum of £51,500 is required to complete the adaptation of about eighty new Labour Exchanges in London and the provinces. It also includes provision for a large number of small works in connection with Unemployment Insurance. The number of new Labour Exchanges required is found to be much larger than was expected when the original estimate was framed. The sum of £16,000 contains provision for the preparation of additional accommodation for the Insurance Commissioners in England, Scotland, and Wales, the full extent of which is at present unsettled. It also includes provision for such further works of adaptation, etc., as may be found necessary in the premises already in occupation.