HC Deb 25 July 1912 vol 41 cc1332-3
26. Mr. HORNER

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, if the Government of Ireland Bill is passed and the Royal Irish Constabulary not coming under its control for six years later, he can state that any increase in the pay and improvement of the constabulary will in the interval be effected, especially in view of the fact that increases have now been granted to nearly all the British police forces?


I am not in a position to make any statement on the subject.

23. Mr. HORNER

asked whether a conference of delegates from the Royal Irish Constabulary stations in the different counties in Ireland was held within the past two months at the Royal Irish Constabulary depôt, Phœnix Park; who was responsible for calling this conference; what was the result of the deliberation of the delegates; will any effect be given to the demands made at this conference; and, if so, what will it be?


The officers and men of the Royal Irish Constabulary have been allowed to nominate committees to consider their position under the Government of Ireland Bill. The committees recently met at the depœot under the authority of the Inspector-General, and with the approval of the Irish Government. The results of their deliberations have been submitted to the Government, and they are at present under consideration.