HC Deb 25 July 1912 vol 41 cc1346-7

asked what is the total sum which has been paid over to the Road Board as the result of taxation levied upon motorists; how much of this amount has already been granted or promised to local authorities for the upkeep and improvement of the main roads; and what is the balance remaining unexpended in the hands of the Board?


The total sum paid to the credit of the Road Improvement Fund up to 24th July was £2,398,414, of which £1,459,277 was derived from the Petrol Tax and £939,137 from the proceeds of the carriage licences. Out of this sum advances amounting to £2,250,092 have been made or indicated, leaving an unallocated balance of £148,322. The total of advances indicated includes £2,015,883 by way of Grant and £234,209 by way of loan. No advances have been made or promised towards the upkeep of main roads, the Board having no power to contribute to upkeep.


asked how much money has been allocated to date by the Road Board towards the cost of widening roads, improving curves, and cutting off dangerous corners; and whether the Board proposes to apply further funds to such purposes in the early future?


The Grants made to works classified as road widenings and improvement of curves and corners amount to £73,180, but a considerable expenditure on the widening of metalled portions of carriage-ways is included in miscellaneous works of road-crust improvement which it is not practicable to state as a separate item. The Board propose to apply further funds to such purposes in those cases which they may think, after examination of all applications received, should take precedence of other applications.