HC Deb 17 July 1912 vol 41 cc398-9
73. Mr. LANE-FOX

asked whether, in the case of an estate of which the owner is accustomed to pay wages during sickness and is willing to guarantee the full wages for the first six weeks of sickness, he will be allowed to include, under the scheme of reduced contributions, gardeners, grooms, masons, joiners, and labourers, as well as domestic servants, from the first day of the operation of the Act, or will they have to wait till the Commissioners have made an order paying the higher contribution meanwhile; and, if so, will the Commissioners be in a position to issue such orders with the least possible delay?


The reduced rate of contribution allowed by Section 47 is only payable for classes of employment which have been included in a special order, subject to the prescribed notice having been given by an employer. Till an order has been made, contributions must be paid at the full rate. The Commissioners will issue orders under Section 47 when it is shown to their satisfaction that a custom or practice prevails in any class of employment of paying full remuneration during periods of disease or disablement or any part thereof, but they cannot issue an order for the inclusion of the employés of a particular employer, except by reference to the classes of persons employed, and except after ascertaining their views. Employers who are considering the adoption of the reduced scale of contributions under Section 47 should remember that this will necessarily penalise any of their servants who may be under a scheme of substituted benefits under Section 13.


Is it not the fact that the Government lecturers are inviting owners to adopt this system? Does the answer of the right hon. Gentleman show that they can do so?


I do not know that they are inviting them, but they are stating that the scheme can be adopted. If anyone wishes to do so, he has only to apply to the Insurance Commissioners.

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