HC Deb 31 December 1912 vol 46 cc200-1
35. Mr. BOLAND

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state when the Congested Districts Board will be in a position to complete the purchase agreements with the tenants on the Jermyn estate, near Caherdaniel?


The Congested Districts Board hope that this estate will be resold to the tenants in the coming year.


asked when the Estates Commissioners propose to complete the sale of the J. W. Bond estate, at Farragh, and other townlands in North Longford; whether they have yet arranged for the acquirement of the Rhine ranch on this property; and when the tenants will get their vesting orders?


The Estates Commissioners hope to deal with the tenanted land on this estate at an early date. The owner has accepted the Commissioners' estimated price for the untenanted land which he has offered to sell to them and which includes some 118 acres of the lands of Rhine, and it will be dealt with as soon as practicable in order of priority.


How soon will that be? Will it be inside of the coming year?


I hope so.


asked when the King-Harman estate, in the Ballinamuck, Newtown Cashel, and Lisnanagh districts will be vested in the tenants; and what steps are being taken to complete the division of the bogs already agreed on with the tenants?


The owner has accepted the Estates Commissioners' proposal for the purchase of this estate, and it will be dealt with as soon as practicable. The question of the turbary on this estate is under consideration.

40. Mr. O'DOWD

asked whether the tenantry on the Perceval estate, situate near Ballymote, county Sligo, were, in January last, served with processes for the recovery of a year's rent and arrears due, and that a settlement was arrived at in open Court on the 29th January last, the terms of which were that the tenants should pay one year's rent and costs, the agent undertaking, on behalf of the landlord, to sell through the Congested Districts Board to the tenants, and lodge all maps, plans, etc., with the Board, the question of arrears due to be left to the discretion of the Congested Districts Board; whether the agent lodged maps in accordance with the terms of agreement, which were incorrect, as some of the farms which he had agreed to sell were left out of them; whether these maps, having been returned to the agent, Mr. Lestrange, were again lodged by him without alteration; and, if so, whether, seeing that the tenants performed their part of the contract whilst the agent neglected to perform his part and is now threatening legal proceedings for another year's rent, although the fault is his own, steps will be taken by the Congested Districts Board to prevent these tenants being victimised in this way?


I have seen a newspaper report of the proceedings at Ballymote Quarter Sessions in January, 1912, when it was stated that a settlement had been come to in the matter, but I am not aware of the terms of the settlement. The maps lodged with the Congested Districts Board by the agent were returned to him for amendment, and the maps duly amended and other documents were subsequently lodged with the Board. A valuation of the estate will shortly be made, probably within the next month. The Board have no power to interfere with any steps which the landlord may take in the exercise of his legal rights.