HC Deb 19 December 1912 vol 45 cc1681-3
66 and 67. Mr. KELLAWAY

asked (1) when the Annual Report of the London Traffic Branch of that Department will be published; whether Mr. Fishbourne, now assistant manager of the London General Omnibus Company, has had any part in the compilation of the Report; if it was known whilst he was engaged upon this work that he had accepted an appointment under the motor omnibus trust; and whether he is in receipt of a pension from public funds; and (2) at what date Sir Herbert Jekyll severed his connection with the Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade to become a director of the London General Omnibus Company; if he was responsible for the last Annual Report of the Board of Trade on London traffic and signed the same on 30th November, 1911; if it was known, whilst he was engaged on this work, that he had accepted a position as a director of this motor omnibus trust; and whether he is now in receipt of a pension from public funds?


Sir Herbert Jekyll retired from the London Traffic Branch on the 31st December, 1911, having reached the age at which Civil servants are required to retire from the service. I understand that some months afterwards he joined the board of the London General Omnibus Company. He was, of course, responsible for the Reports issued by the branch of which he was chief, the last of which is dated 31st October, 1911. He is in receipt of a pension from public funds. The latest Annual Report of the London Traffic Branch is now in the hands of the printers, and should shortly be issued. While Mr. Fishbourne was in the service of the traffic branch, he was, of course, employed in the ordinary work of the branch, including the preparation of the Annual Reports. He informed the Department of his intention on retirement to accept a post in the London General Omnibus Company. Mr. Fishbourne has no pension in respect of his service in the London Traffic Branch, but it is understood that he will receive temporary retired pay whilst serving as an officer of the Royal Engineers' Special Reserve. I think that, if my hon. Friend wishes to make any charge against the Board of Trade or against either of the gentlemen he has named, he ought to state it directly, and not insinuate it through questions.


Does the right hon. Gentleman suggest, that any of the statements in these two questions are incorrect? If they are not incorrect in what way can they be said to be insinuations against either Sir Herbert Jekyll or the Board of Trade?


I have shown that some are incorrect. Any hon. Member reading the question would say that they are based on an insinuation.


Are there any other servants of the Board of Trade engaged on similar work who are likely to be transferred to the London General Omnibus Trust?


I consider that that is an insinuation.


The right hon. Gentleman has not answered the last part of the second question.


I said that he is in receipt off a pension from public funds.


The question on the Paper is whether at the time he was engaged on this work he had accepted a responsible position with the London General Omnibus Company. That has not been answered.


I said that Sir Herbert Jekyll retired on 31st December, 1911, when he reached the age at which Civil servants are required to retire from the Service, and I understand that some months afterwards he joined the Board of the London General Omnibus Company.


Is this the Trust that kills a man every day?