HC Deb 18 December 1912 vol 45 c1482
31. Sir C. HUNTER

asked the Secretary for War if he can state approximately the total sum spent annually on the land forces of the British Empire and the total sum spent annually by France on her home and overseas forces; and what is the net result produced an the two countries as regards their striking forces, calculated in divisions?

Colonel SEELY

The total sum spent annually on the land forces of the British Empire, including India, Dominions, and Protectorates, amounts to about £54,000,000, and that spent by France on her home and overseas armies amounts to about £41,000,000. As regards the second part of the question, no comparison can be drawn between the striking force of a country whose army is, to a great extent, concentrated at home and that of an Empire whose fighting forces are necessarily spread over the world for the maintenance, of that Empire.


If, as appears from the answer, we spend over £10,000,000 more than the French, and we have sixty-nine divisions less than they have, does the right hon. Gentleman think that a business proposition on our part?

Colonel SEELY

I am surprised to hear the hon. Gentleman urge that we are spending too much money on the Army; that is not my view.