HC Deb 17 December 1912 vol 45 c1277
28. Mr. HUNT

asked the Secretary of State for War why, in view of the fact that the Reports of the commanders-in-chief of all the commands in the United Kingdom on the Territorial Force are considered confidential, the Report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Scotch command, General Sir Bruce Hamilton, was allowed to be printed in the "Glasgow Herald"?

Colonel SEELY

The hon. Gentleman is apparently alluding to a review of training in 1912 by the general officer commanding in chief mentioned, which was published in Command Orders. This is not a confidential Report rendered to the Army Council.

32. Mr. FRED HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Secretary of State for War how many sites for rifle ranges have been purchased by, or in association with, the War Office since the passing of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act, 1907; and what was the locality, the approximate area, and the price of each of them?

Colonel SEELY

The information required will take some time to obtain. I will make enquiries and inform the hon. Gentleman of the result in due course.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to a resolution carried by the Essex Territorial Force Association by a majority of 12 votes, on the 5th December, declaring it as their opinion that, having regard to the extraordinary efforts to obtain recruits and the admittedly imperfect training of the force, that some system should be adopted which would more equally distribute the burden of the service, and provide a force adequate in numbers and efficiency for the defence of the country; and whether, in view of this resolution, he will reconsider his decision with regard to the East Riding-Territorial Association not to take any steps to give effect to these views?

Colonel SEELY

The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and to the second part in the negative.