HC Deb 04 December 1912 vol 44 c2277

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Human Leopard and Alligator Ordinance of the Colony of Southern Nigeria has recently been amended; whether it now contains a retrospective Clause which may be enforced without limit in point of time; and whether, if this is so, he will consider advising the Governor of Sierra Leone to secure some modification in this respect?

Colonel SEELY

Yes, Sir, the Sierra Leone Ordinance, to which I presume my hon. Friend refers, following the precedent of the Ordinance of 1909, does contain retrospective provisions, and in view of the gravity and the number of the crimes with which the Ordinance deals the Secretary of Slate considers this somewhat exceptional procedure necessary and right.


Will the right lion. Gentleman represent to his colleague the possibility of very grave injustice in the case of natives who committed these offences many years ago, but who, through the influence of missionaries and others, have led entirely different lives since?

Colonel SEELY

I will certainly convey that representation to my right hon. Friend. One cannot exaggerate the gravity of the crimes referred to.