HC Deb 02 December 1912 vol 44 c1876

asked which of the fourteen Hague Conventions of 1907, including Convention No. 14, entitled a Declaration, have been signed on behalf of Great Britain, and which of them have been ratified on her behalf, together with the dates of signature and ratification of each; and will the effect of passing the Foreign Enlistment Bill, brought from the Lords on 7th November, be to authorise the ratification of any one or more, and, if so, which, of The Hague Conventions not yet ratified on behalf of this country?


All the fourteen instruments published in Parliamentary Paper Miscellaneous No. 6, 1908, were signed on behalf of Great Britain and bear the date of 18th October, 1907. With the exception of No. 12 the signatures of the British Plenipotentiaries were attached on the 29th June, 1908 (see Parliamentary Paper, Miscellaneous No. 5, 1908). No 12 was signed in May, 1909. The King's Ratifications of Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 14 were deposited on 27th November, 1909. The reply to the last part of the question is in the negative.