§ 23. Mr. C. BATHURSTasked the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether under Clause 1 of the Bee Disease Bill it is intended that an Order may be issued by the English Board prohibiting the admission into England of bees and beekeeping appliances by post or otherwise from Scotland when no such Order has been issued by the Scottish Board, andvice versâ;and, if so, how is it proposed to carry such Order into effect in the absence of Custom houses on the Scottish border?
§ The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Runciman)The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. No definite arrangements have as yet been made for giving effect to any Order which may be made by the Board under the Section, but I do not foresee any great practical difficulty in doing so.
§ Mr. C. BATHURSTIn view of the difficulties that are bound to arise between England and Scotland in this matter, would it not be desirable to have a uniform area for both countries for the purpose of animal diseases, including bee diseases?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANI do not think it is quite accurate to include bees under the heading of animals. My right hon. Friend the Secretary for Scotland will no doubt be able to adopt exactly the same form of definition as we in England.