HC Deb 11 April 1912 vol 36 cc1389-91

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention had been drawn to an outrage committed on the 29th ultimo at Renvyle, Oranmore, county Galway, when a number of shots were fired at close range into the house of James Burke; whether any motive had been assigned for the perpetration of this outrage; and whether the constabulary had succeeded in effecting any arrests?


The police authorities inform me that two revolver shots were fired at the house of James Burke on the 15th March. The motive is a matter of opinion. No arrests have been made.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he had been informed that, owing to the state of lawlessness prevailing in North Galway, wholesale houses were refusing credit to the retail dealers of certain neighbourhoods, and that there had been a consequent rise in the price of necessaries and commodities; whether the Crown had determined on further proceedings against any member of the local branches of the United Irish League; and whether he could state the force of constabulary at present stationed in the districts of Oranmore, Dunmore, Glenamaddy and Creggs?


I am informed by the police authorities that they are not aware that wholesale houses are refusing credit to the retail dealers in certain districts of North Galway or that the price of necessaries has consequently risen. No proceedings are contemplated as suggested. The force of constabulary at present stationed at Oranmore is nine, at Dunmoro eleven, at Glenamaddy five, and at Creggs ten.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he was aware that on 10th March, 1912, in the neighbourhood of Oranmore, six young men were fired at whilst driving along the road from Gort; whether any of the men were injured; and whether any arrests had been made in connection with this attack?


The police authorities inform me that six men were fired at as stated. One of the men was seriously, and four others slightly wounded No arrests have been made.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he was aware that on 23rd March, 1912, at Carrahan, near Ennis, a fight took place in connection with a land dispute, in the course of which a man named Michael Dorloughty was seriously wounded by a revolver shot; and what steps were being taken to deal with these occurrences?


The facts are as stated but the dispute appears to have been about a right of way. The police are doing all that is possible to prevent occurrences of this kind.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he was aware that, on 25th March, 1912, three men, John Cournane, Edward M'Donnell, and Michael M'Donnell, were fired at from behind a hedge while returning from Castlemaine Fair; whether all the men were wounded and one seriously injured; and whether any arrests had been made in connection with this attack?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the question on this subject asked by the hon. Member for East Down on the 28th March.