§ Mr. O'GRADYasked how many boy clerks or boy copyists were registered for employment in the Civil Service between the 1st January, 1901, and 1st January, 1911; how many of these passed the examination for either the second division,. Excise, or Customs during this period; and how many were discharged from the service on reaching the age laid down as the limit of their service as boy clerks?
§ Mr. MASTERMANBetween 1st January, 1901, and 1st January, 1911, the number of boys certificated as boy clerks or boy copyists was 9,256 and the number removed from the register on attaining the age limit was 2,822. Some of the latter would, however, have entered before 1901. It is not possible without very elaborate enquiry to say how many of the entrants between 1901 and 1911 passed the examinations mentioned by the hon. Member, but I will circulate such figures as are available. [See Written Answers this date.]