HC Deb 01 April 1912 vol 36 cc879-80
Colonel YATE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether, taking into account the special disabilities that domiciled Europeans and Anglo-Indians laboured under in India as regards the education of their children, he would consider the question of allocating for this purpose, out of the total sum of £3,068,000 to be expended this year on education, and in addition to the three lakhs out of the Durbar Grant, a larger sum than had hitherto been expended in previous years?


I understand that, as the hon. and gallant Member has stated, an extra sum of three lakhs will be devoted in the ensuing year to European education, but I am not yet in a position to say whether the sum allotted to this purpose will exceed by more than three lakhs the expenditure in previous years.

Colonel YATE

Is not the hon. Gentleman aware that special endeavours have been made in England to collect a sum of £250,000 for the education of these classes, and that £96,000 has already been collected? Will the Government of India do nothing to help on this good work?


I am aware of the admirable efforts which have been made in this country, and it is in response to the demand thus made that the three lakhs have been allocated out of the Durbar Grant. The hon. Member's question has reference to Estimates the details of which have not yet reached me.

Colonel YATE

Will not the Government do as much for these people as private charity is doing?


The Estimates for this year have already been arranged and sanctioned, and the Budget has been introduced. There will be no alteration for this year. I will give the hon. Member the information that he wants as soon as I get it.