HC Deb 26 October 1911 vol 30 cc300-1

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman anticipates that the Departmental Committee on Imperial and local taxation will report in time to enable him to give effect to the Committee's recommendations in the Budget of 1912–13, so that by increased Imperial subventions relief to local taxation may be given without further delay?


I am not in a position to make any statement on the subject at the present time.


asked whether the Committee on Imperial and local taxation have been authorised to receive evidence on the subject of taxation of land values; whether the Committee have received written or oral evidence on the subject; if so, whether the Committee intend to receive further evidence, written or oral, on the same subject, and what facilities will be given for the reception of such evidence; and, in view of the differences of opinion held on the question of the taxation and rating of land values, and the complications surrounding the subject, and of the delay which must apparently ensue if such varying opinions are considered by the Committee, whether an interim report will be issued by the Committee in order that some provision for the pressing needs of local authorities may be made in the Budget of 1912–13?


The Committee, I understand, will receive evidence on the subject of taxation of land values, and are, of course, at liberty to call for evidence on the subject at their discretion. Oral evidence has not yet been taken, but some documents bearing on the subject are before the Committee. I am informed that the Committee have not decided to issue an interim report, and I do not propose to ask for one.