HC Deb 21 November 1911 vol 31 c1025

asked whether the salmon fishings in Loch Bidden, Kyles of Bute, were advertised to be let in 1902 and 1903, when one lease had expired and another had not been negotiated; if so, in what manner and to what extent advertisement took place, how many tenderers there were for these fishings, and how many of thorn were fishermen making their livelihood from that pursuit?


The salmon fishings in question were not publicly advertised in 1902 or 1903. Tenders were invited by advertisement in the summer of 1902 for the Crown salmon fishings falling to be let at Martinmas, 1902, but a question having arisen as to the title to the Loch Ridden fishings, the Crown was not in a position to deal with the fishings until February, 1903. As the information available seemed to show that the fishings were only of small value, they were not advertised, but tenders were invited from various persons (including one fisherman), who had applied for the fishings. Two tenders were received, neither being from a fisherman.