HC Deb 08 November 1911 vol 30 c1663

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that an election for clerk of petty sessions for Killenaule and Mullinahone (county Tipperary) petty sessions districts was held in Killenaule on 13th October last; that Mr. Morrissey received thirteen votes and Mr. Hemphill ten votes; that the presiding chairman declared Mr. Morrissey elected subject to the sanction of the Lord Lieutenant; and, seeing that the Lord Lieutenant has declined to sanction Mr. Morrissey's election and ordered a fresh election to be held, whether he can state the grounds upon which the Lord Lieutenant has declared the election invalid?


An election for a petty sessions clerk for the districts named was held on the 13th October, 1911. Thirteen magistrates voted for Mr. Morrissey and ten magistrates voted for Mr. Hemphill. The votes of three of the magistrates were not valid in consequence of their not being resident in either of the petty sessions districts, and were not qualified by attendance to vote. A fresh election therefore became necessary.


asked the Chief Secretary whether Colonel Caddell, registrar petty sessions clerks, has informed Michael Slattery, Esq., J.P., chairman, Tipperary County Council, South Riding, that he is not entitled to vote for the election of a petty sessions clerk for Ballynonty, Killenaule, and Mullinahone petty sessions district, on the 17th instant; and, if so, whether he will state the grounds on which this intimation has been given?


The Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks has informed Mr. Slattery that he was not qualified to vote at the election of a petty sessions clerk for the districts of Ballynonty and Mullinahone. His vote was disallowed on account of his never having attended either petty sessions previous to the vacancy taking place, and not being resident in either petty sessions district.

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