HC Deb 02 November 1911 vol 30 cc992-3
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that on Tuesday, the 28th February last, the principal female teacher and manager of the national school in the town of Tarbet, county Kerry, ordered three little girls, aged from twelve to fifteen years, to at once perform the menial office of cleansing the out-house to the school, which had not been cleaned for the past six months; that the children refused, but offered to pay a man to do the work, and in consequence of their refusal were instantly dismissed; whether an inquiry was held into the matter, and, if so, will he state the result, and how long the children were prevented from obtaining education provided free by the State; and what action, if any, it is proposed to take against the manager and the teacher in question?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that in March last complaints were made to them that the manager of the Tarbert girls' national school, county Kerry, had expelled certain girls from the school for refusing to clean the out-offices. On inquiry it appeared that these pupils were ordered by the teacher to attend to the out-offices, and that on their refusing to do so the manager expelled them from the school, although they offered to pay a man to do this work. The Commissioners require that no child whose parents object be compelled to assist in cleaning the school premises, and they immediately communicated to this effect with the manager, advising him that, in the circumstances, the exclusion of the pupils in question from the school was not warranted, and that these pupils should be readmitted at once on presenting themselves at the school. The girls were soon after readmitted as pupils, and the Commissioners do not consider any further action as regards manager and teacher necessary.

Captain CRAIG

Have instructions been issued generally throughout the schools in Ireland to prevent a repetition of this awful scandal?


That is a matter to which I will call the attention of the Commissioners.