HC Deb 02 November 1911 vol 30 cc989-92

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Irish Land Commission have received the report of their inspector who inspected that portion of the estate of Lord Lisle, situate in the Kanturk union, county Cork, with a view to vesting the property in the tenants who have purchased?


The inspector's report in this case has been received, and is with others awaiting ruling by the Estates Commissioners.


asked if the Estates Commissioners have made inquiries into the application of an evicted tenant named Timothy Moynahan, on the estate of Lord Lisle, county Cork, with a view to his re- instatement; agreements to purchase this estate are now awaiting the sanction of the Irish Land Commission?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that this estate is the subject of direct sale proceedings under the Land Purchase Acts, and when they are dealing with it in order of priority they will give Moynahan's application full consideration.


asked what further steps have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to complete the purchase of the estate of the late Major Mahony, at Dooks, county Kerry; when do they propose to send their inspector to value the property; and whether all the necessary documents have been furnished by the agent?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that the necessary documents for an inspection of the estate referred to have been lodged, and the lands will be inspected, and a decision arrived at regarding purchase, as soon as practicable.


Will the Congested Districts Board or the Estates Commissioners look after the interests of the evicted tenants on this property?


No doubt.


asked whether any, and, if so, what, steps have been taken to complete the purchase of the O'Donoghue estate, near Glenveigh, county Kerry, a portion of which was sold about three years ago?


The purchase agreements in the case of this estate, which is being sold direct by the owner to the tenants, were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in December, 1908. The estate has not yet been reached in order of priority.


asked the Chief Secretary if he can say whether the Estates Commissioners intend to carry through the sale of the Lane Joynt estate at Aughanish, in the county of Limerick, at the price offered for it by their inspector; whether they are satisfied with the tenants' arrangement with regard to the upkeep of the embankments; and whether, as the tenants are willing to pay the inspector's price for their holdings, and as there are three evicted tenants on the estate, he will take steps to see that the sale is completed without further delay?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to his question on this subject on the 11th May last. Since then the Estates Commissioners have informed the owner that they were willing to reduce the sum of £500, which they called upon him to lodge to form an endowment for the maintenance of the embankments, to £300, provided the embankments were put in a proper state of repair. He has also been informed that unless he consents to the Commissioners' proposal they will dismiss the proceedings for sale before them, and they await a further communication from him on the subject.


Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the tenants on this estate have agreed with the landlord to pay the balance of £300 and have it added to the purchase money in order that the sale may be carried through at once and in order that the evicted tenants on the estate, who have been kept out of their holdings for twenty years, may be reinstated, and why is it, when the tenants are willing to pay this £300 for the upkeep of the embankments, that the Estates Commissioners will not ratify the agreement?


If they can get their guarantee the matter will go through. At present they have not got it.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what funds, if any, have been allocated by the Congested Districts Board for the compulsory purchase of estates in the South Kerry Parliamentary Division; and can he state what further steps it is proposed to take with a view to acquire the estate of Mr. Myles O'Mahoney, at Beaufort, for re-sale to the tenants, seeing that the owner has refused to negotiate for a voluntary sale of his estate?


The Congested Districts Board having purchased the Ventry estate, and being engaged in voluntary negotiations for the purchase of other estates in the southern half of the county Kerry, do not contemplate taking any steps for the compulsory acquisition of the Myles O'Mahoney estate.


Is it not a fact that this landlord absolutely refused to negotiate with the tenant, and that compulsory purchase is necessary?


I do not say that the Myles O'Mahony estate is not a proper one for compulsory acquisition provided that funds were at the disposal of the Board.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when any funds will be allocated for this purpose?


No, Sir, I cannot.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the town tenants in Glin, in the county of Limerick, are willing to give the landlord, the Knight of Glin, a fair price for their holdings which are rented on the ground values; and whether, as the agricultural portion of the estate is being sold to the tenants under the Land Purchase Act, 1909, the Estates Commissioners will send an inspector to Glin to interview the town tenants and inspect their holdings, and put a value on them, with the view to purchase, so that they may be included in the sale of the estate?


The estate referred to is being sold by the owner direct to the tenants. If the town tenants wish to purchase their holdings they should enter into agreements with the owner, in which event the Estates Commissioners will, when the estate is being dealt with, have the premises inspected, and estimate the sums, if any, which could be advanced on the security of the sites, the balance between such sums and the prices agreed on to be lodged in cash by the tenants.