HC Deb 30 May 1911 vol 26 c909

asked whether the estate of the Crown Insurance Company, situate in St. John, Lecarrow, county Roscommon, was inspected by an inspector of the Estates Commissioners in February, 1909; whether the result of the inspection was communicated to the owners or the tenants; whether any communications respecting it ever passed between the Congested Districts Board and the Estates Commissioners, and did the latter body make any representations in regard to it to the owner; and whether, in view of the fact that the average valuation of the tenants' holdings on this estate is only £5, and that within the past few years at least seven of the tenants emigrated, the Congested Districts Board will take immediate action to acquire this estate?


The estate referred to was inspected, but the Estates Commissioners, in view of the character of the holdings, declined to make an offer to purchase, and so informed the vendor. In July, 1910, the Commissioners informed the Congested Districts Board of their refusal to purchase, and the Board then invited the owners to negotiate for the sale of their estate to the Board. The Board have arranged that an inspection and valuation of the estate will be made as soon as possible, having regard to the prior claims of other estates.