HC Deb 25 May 1911 vol 26 c442

asked if the War Office can see their way to grant separation allowances in respect of the wives and children of married non-commissioned officers and men in the Territorial forces during the period of their annual training in camp?

Colonel SEELY

Separation allowance is already granted for the wives and children of non-commissioned officers, but it has not yet been considered practicable to extend the grant to the men.


asked whether, in view of the fact that the Territorial Force is now about 45,000 men short of the number laid clown by the Government as necessary for safety and is still decreasing, the Government have decided at what strength it will cease to be considered a safeguard against invasion?

Colonel SEELY

I must refer the hon. Member to my reply to a question put on this subject by the hon. Member for the Woodstock Division of Oxfordshire on the 4th instant.


Have the Government made up their minds? Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us that?

Colonel SEELY

If the hon. Member will refer to the answer he will see the whole matter fully stated.