HC Deb 10 May 1911 vol 25 cc1187-9

asked how many destroyers are in full commission in this country and Germany; and how many are in each case maintained in reserve effective for immediate service?


The destroyer flotillas in this country are shown on pages 269, 269a, and 270c of the current Navy List; they are all in commission—the first and second with full crews, the remainder with nucleus crews. There are ninety-one German destroyers available in home waters, excluding those undergoing trials. Full crews are maintained on board or in barracks for sixty-six boats, and they may therefore be considered as available for immediate service. The remainder are in reserve.


asked if the right hon. Gentleman will state on what date the destroyers "Lurcher," "Firedrake," and "Oak" were ordered; by whom they were designed; what is their displacement, armament, designed horse-power, and speed; and are all three to be fitted with engines of the internal combustion type?


The only information I am able to give the hon. Member at the present time is as follows: The destroyers named were ordered on the 21st February, 1911, and were designed by Messrs. Yarrow and Company. Their displacement is about 780 tons; their armament consists of two four-inch low velocity quick firing guns and two twelve-pounder quick firing guns; and they will be fitted with steam turbine engines.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what was the contract date for the completion of the destroyers of the 1909–10 programme; and how many vessels provided for under that programme were completed by that date?


Of the twenty destroyers of the "Acorn" class of the 1909–10 programme, two were due for delivery on 15th January, 1911, one on 15th March, 1911, and seventeen on 15th April, 1911. Fifteen of these vessels have been delivered, all before the contract dates.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say why there has been delay in the case of the other destroyers?


On account of the strike. I do not think it will be long, but the boilermakers' strike has delayed delivery.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that, according to the April edition of the official Navy List, the destroyer "Alarm" was on 18th March last serving in the second destroyer flotilla, with no commissioned executive officer or warrant officer on board; and will he say what was the reason for a ship nominally in full commission being in this condition?


The "Alarm" was not commissioned for service in the second flotilla until 1st April, by which date the commanding officer, one lieutenant, and gunner had been appointed. As, however, the service on which the "Alarm" would he employed on the date of publication of the list was known on 18th March, the information was inserted.