HC Deb 09 May 1911 vol 25 c1012

asked whether officers holding appointments as adjutants of yeomanry are not granted extension except on the ground of useful work in that capacity; whether he is aware that adjutants who were appointed before but granted an extension after the 11th July, 1910, received extra pay of 5s. a day during the original term of appointment, but only receive extra pay of 2s. 6d. per day during the period of extension; and whether he will take steps to get rid of this difference?


Au adjutant who was granted an extension before the date of the Royal Warrant in February last, will retain the old rate of 5s. a day. Adjutants granted an extension after that date will receive only 2s. 6d. a day. There is no intention of reversing this decision.


May I ask if in giving this extra the hon. Gentleman would not have received a better class of officer?


That is not the question; the matter has already been very fully considered.