HC Deb 22 March 1911 vol 23 cc392-3
Colonel BURN

asked how many undesirable aliens were deported from this country by order of the court during 1910 and since 1st January to the present date; and how many of these aliens had been previously deported?


Aliens are not deported from this country by order of court. Recommendations for expulsion are submitted by courts to the Home Secretary, and it rests with him to decide whether he will make expulsion orders requiring the aliens to leave the United Kingdom. During 1910 expulsion orders were made in 461 cases; and during the present year, down to 18th March, eighty such orders have been made. In addition, seventy-four aliens in 1910, and fifteen aliens in the present year, who had been found in the United Kingdom in contravention of expulsion orders made against them, were again required to leave the country.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider whether it would not be wise to attach some special penalty to aliens who, having been deported, return to this country?


There is a penalty now, but I am considering legislation on this subject, and I certainly think part of that legislation to considerably increase in severity the sentence upon an alien who returns in breach of an expulsion order should form a feature of it.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether any undesirable aliens who were imported as strikebreakers by a London firm of printers have been deported?


I have not heard of any.